Tuesday, May 29, 2007

If I were a papparazzo...

... I would starve to death. So I was crossing Park Ave. to get to the park, and had a close encounter with the famous kind #5. Woody Allen and Soon Yi were strolling up 79th! Didn't want to be intrusive (yea yea, the irony of it by my posting their pictures for the whole world to see) so I flipped out the camera yards after we crossed paths and it's just their backs you'll see.

Mom & dad bought me this dress from China and it got me stumped - it's perfectly symmetrical except for this off-center cinch detail at the waist. The problem is whether to wear that front or back. The shoulder rope detail is prime fodder for jokes - I can imagine all the "knotty" and "all tied up?" lines I'll get...

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Jumping ahead

First warship sailing up...

The last staircase left standing in the rubble

WTC construction site

View from the 32nd Fl Conference Room

Dismantling the Deutsche Bank building

FDNY ceremonial tugboat to kick off the parade

Between the World Financial Center's buildings (notice people on the balcony)

Geez, blogging and uploading are t-e-d-i-o-u-s. So I'll just share my photo albums via shutterfly.com and fast forward the time line to the present week.

Wednesday was the start of Fleet Week and Jackie was all excited about sailors and ships coming to town. We got an invite to a party Saturday night where we are to look for 'Major Dave' ;-) The parade of ships up the Hudson started at about 9:30 am, and Marta & I hightailed it to the 32nd floor Conference Room downstairs to take pictures (well I did, she didn't have her camera). The parade was too slow going so we didn't even wait for the fly-by.

We left early on Friday for the long (Memorial Day) weekend, and to celebrate Tara's birthday, off to the South Sea Seaport we went. It was hot and sunny, so I got a bit sunburned. When the sun went down, we moved the party train to Ulysses. I've never been there before and was truly loving the fact that everyone was sitting out on blocked-off cobblestone streets, enjoying the weather and good company amid the contrast of old building and modern highrises. I was cursing myself for not having the camera, but am sure we'll be there again many more times. Our mission to get Tara trashed hadn't come to fruition by the time the sober half of us left, so will see come next Tuesday what the goss is.

More pictures

Julie & I, Batu Ferringi, Penang

Julie, Danny, Tyler & Ryan, Burmese temple, Penang

Bangsar, KL

Satay stall at Bangsar's night market

Atop Penang Hill with WH

Petaling Street's pedestrian walkway, KL

Outside an Indian temple, KL

Bins of local snacks, Mid Valley, KL

Old & new, Kek Lok Si temple, Penang

With Kiley, Bobin & Woon Hong, Penang

In the beginning...

The first task is of course to answer your "Why..." questions and hopefully the title gives some sort of a clue. Well, this is borne out of my big trip to the homeland, increasingly scattered friends & family, a wider scope of friends and to generally save myself time in emailing and/or calling. And I think I communicate better in writing anyway (you tell me).

So off to Malaysia I went back in mid April, with nothing resembling a plan (and packed just the night before) but did I have fun. I had no expectations, having been gone for 13 years and too caught up with work since the start of 2007. The family, except Susan (sucked that she couldn't!), all flew back for granny's 80th. birthday bash in KL. Schedules were difficult to coordinate as we are now an East coast/West coast, USA/Canada family ;-P

Julie, Danny, Tyler and Ryan flew in a few days after I got to KL (mom & dad as usual caught the tail end of my vacation), so I was left to wander on my own. Unc. was living conveniently in Setapak and off I went shopping at Lot 10, Sungei Wang (literally in and out in 7 mins), Times Square and KLCC the first full day in KL. I only went in stores that I can't find in NY, so I was done by 3 pm. It was a bit disappointing but I managed to get lots work skirts (too bad pants are unlined) and some shoes. Vincci and Nose are summer shoes heaven but can't really find work ones - closed-toe shoes are too low-heeled and few to choose from.

Good thing my uncle called then, so we could get my national IC fixed/renewed, I was bored already. I was embarassed to say my Malay was so rusty, I needed much more time to process the Q & A. And I couldn't believe they asked what my religion was! I nearly spat out "What kind of a question is that? It's none of your business!" but then, I remembered where I was...

So for two weeks, I was mostly in KL (with mom's clan, Meng, Alex L. etc.), a few days in Penang catching up with Woon Hong & Bobin, another couple of days driving down memory lane in my hometown, Ipoh. This vacation was awesome while I was there but it made me very reflective (and depressed) when I got back to NY. Seeing where my peers are gave me an inkling of how my life could have possibly turned out if I never left. Sometimes I stick out like a sore thumb, neither here nor there; different in NY with no (childhood) history and different in Malaysia having become an adult elsewhere. Perhaps we're spoiled in that we've too many options, therefore wanting too much? I am entertaining the thought of going back, who knows?

Oh well, I'm tired of words and writing. Hope the pictures' titles suffice in describing my journey, if not I'm sure you'll let me know ;-)

Damn the TSA for damaging my NEW luggage's zipper

KLCC at night

Coconuts, market in PJ