Tuesday, May 29, 2007

If I were a papparazzo...

... I would starve to death. So I was crossing Park Ave. to get to the park, and had a close encounter with the famous kind #5. Woody Allen and Soon Yi were strolling up 79th! Didn't want to be intrusive (yea yea, the irony of it by my posting their pictures for the whole world to see) so I flipped out the camera yards after we crossed paths and it's just their backs you'll see.

Mom & dad bought me this dress from China and it got me stumped - it's perfectly symmetrical except for this off-center cinch detail at the waist. The problem is whether to wear that front or back. The shoulder rope detail is prime fodder for jokes - I can imagine all the "knotty" and "all tied up?" lines I'll get...

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