Saturday, October 27, 2007

RWC 2007

Ah, my second team also did not win but coming into the tournament with 80-1 odds and making it all the way to the Finals is awesome enough. Michelle & I were at The Sunburnt Cow and even 2 hours before the start, the place was already packed. Had to find a perch to eat our brunch and just managed to squeeze in at the bar (I was almost behind it). Met English guy Alex (and later on his friends) and a good time was had by all. Me in my Union Jack jacket and boys in Red Lion shirts were completely surrounded by Boks fans. Why are they in an Aussie bar? Michelle chose the place thinking it was neutral enough and since Nelson Blue (Kiwi) wasn't showing the match... And since there is a good number of Saffas in the city, why isn't there any South African pubs? Anyhow, we refused to give up our spot (no blockage whatsoever) and stood all the way. Needless to say, I didn't agree with that call and yet again, it was another high drama RWC final. Then English guy kept asking us to go to some tiki bar where his friends in a band play, but we wanted to check out Halloween costumes instead. Throughout the rest of the day English guy kept calling & calling and I thought "Hmm, he's obviously drunk".

Anyway, Michelle & I ended up watching Into the Wild which I found tragic & disturbing. What a waste it was for an idealistic young man to ultimately realize that what he tried so hard to discover he already had/knew all along. His last revelation (won't tell you, find out for yourselves) was truly heart breaking. Everyone should go see this movie.

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