Saturday, October 27, 2007


The day's getting weirder and weirder... first I got phone calls from random numbers and one 'Anonymous' which I never pick up. Then this guy buzzed my door and since I didn't order anything, didn't let him in. As luck would have it, the delivery guy met my friendly downstairs neighbor and guided him to my door.

Imagine my surprise to find floral and basket arrangements addressed to me (double checked)! Lovely message but it wasn't signed! Birthday's over so what are these for? The one time I got flowers was probably more than 5 years ago! I'm a practical person but this sure feels good!

1 comment:

Boon said...

Actually those flowers were from WH and me. Glad you like'em!

Ha ha... just kidding. But weird indeed. Secret admirer, perhaps?! ;)