Friday, June 8, 2007


By now everyone's seen the recently unveiled London 2012 Olympics logo. It is absolutely hideous! I'll leave it to Jon Stewart to properly dissect it.

Meanwhile, today is the first really hot and humid day in the city. Certainly not pleasant and not looking forward to a sticky summer. Things can be really horrible down in the subway - apparently some people have never heard of deodorant before and when they need to hold onto the overhead rail, woo hoo my god.... Especially during rush hour on my train, where it is ALWAYS packed. Sometimes so packed in the morning, I can't even get in. Or have my face plastered onto someone's back. Nasty.

But I read somewhere some time ago that if anything were to happen (i.e. suicide bomb etc.), a packed train will actually have fewer but more severe casualties. The theory being a higher count of physical bodies lessens the 'spread' of coverage area - like a brave soldier sacrificing himself by jumping onto a grenade. Well, we can't be scared and will keep taking the subway and flying via JFK. I mean, I could be walking down the street and get hit by a cab anyways.


WH said...

I do wonder which moron approved that logo! And I thot my govt was corrupt. :P

Lily said...

As I was saying to my workmate, Alex B., his country can't seem to do anything right - a rugby team of fatty pub-players and now this.

Boon said...

I say, would you join me for a cup of tea?